How to apply
In order to apply for the Special tax regime, it is necessary to submit an application before the Spanish Tax Administration. This application is to formally request the application of the special regime, as well as to provide all the documentation that justifies that all the requirements are met. Additional requirements can be notified by the Spanish Tax Administration if they require further documentation or clarifications.
To apply for the Beckham Law you have to submit the application to the Spanish tax authorities within a maximum period of six months from the date of registration with the Social Security in Spain or in the documentation (e.g., A1) that allows the maintenance of the foreign Social Security legislation.
This timeframe is very important, due to the fact that after that six-month window, you will not be able to apply for the the Beckham Law anymore.
When applying for the Beckham Law, you must also be registered in within the Spanish tax administration census. This is a register, managed by the Spanish Tax Agency, in which any individual or legal entity that has to deal with the Spanish tax authorities must register.
In order to register in the Spanish taxpayers’ registry, you must file a Form 030. You can file Form 030 physically at the Tax Office or online, in which case you will need an electronic certificate or with the digital certificate of a collaborator as DPLL.
The Special tax regime does not apply automatically after the submission of the application, but must be expressly authorised by the tax authorities once they have verified that all requirements are met.
In this verification process the tax authorities may sometimes request additional supporting documentation or for further clarification. In this you will have 10 days to answer the Spanish tax administration with the possibility to extend 5 more days.
At the end of the process, the tax authorities will have to decide whether to authorise or reject the application. They have a legal deadline of 10 working days to do so. However, you will know the result only after you are notified of the resolution, which may require more or less time depending on your circumstances.